Error when building App after playing with MxModelReflection an Excel Export

Hi there, i am new at mendix and tried to add an excel export. So i added Mx Model Reflection and Excel Export and had to language opreations in oder to solve the empty caption errors. When i build run the app localy i get java errors and don’t know how to handel them. Can anyone help me?   Thanks Torsten ..   Buildfile: W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile:     [javac] Compiling 124 source files to W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\deployment\run\bin     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.DataParser     [javac] public class DataParser     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.MxTypeConverter     [javac] public class MxTypeConverter {     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.TokenReplacer     [javac] public class TokenReplacer     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\actions\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.actions.ReplaceToken     [javac] public class ReplaceToken extends CustomJavaAction<java.lang.String>     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\actions\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.actions.SyncObjects     [javac] public class SyncObjects extends CustomJavaAction<java.lang.Boolean>     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\actions\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.actions.TestThePattern     [javac] public class TestThePattern extends CustomJavaAction<java.lang.Boolean>     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\actions\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.actions.ValidateTokensInMessage     [javac] public class ValidateTokensInMessage extends CustomJavaAction<java.util.List<IMendixObject>>     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\metamodelBuilder\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.metamodelBuilder.Builder     [javac] public class Builder {     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\metamodelBuilder\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.metamodelBuilder.MetaObjectBuilder     [javac] public class MetaObjectBuilder     [javac]        ^     [javac] W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\mxmodelreflection\metamodelBuilder\ error: duplicate class: mxmodelreflection.metamodelBuilder.MicroflowBuilder     [javac] public class MicroflowBuilder     [javac]        ^     [javac] Note: W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\javasource\system\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.     [javac] 10 errors BUILD FAILED W:\Mendix\Basic DataModel-main\deployment\build_core.xml:30: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 6 seconds
2 answers

The error message is complaining about duplicate classes with the same names. This usually happens if the module has been renamed and a new version added with the old name. Renaming doesn’t change the class names so you end up with the error message you are seeing. 

The solution is to remove the renamed module and that should also remove the duplicate classes that have the same name.

I hope this fixes your problem.


I had to translate both modules from en to de in order to solve the caption errors, So how to remove the duplicate version? Sorry, perhaps an easy thing..
