Take currennt screen screenshot in mendix

Hello Team, I need to take screenshot of current screen and get it’s base64 image value.   I tried using Screenshot module from marketplace https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/119983 but this is downloading directly the PDF instead of giving image. My first question is, is there any way I can track for image value before pdf download in this widget is there any way I can use “clipboard-read” navigator event using javascript. Thanks in advance for your help. Looking for quick solution.
2 answers

You might want to try this one Print Screen to PDF: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/27069 unlike it's name the processing type you can choose to process is JPEG or PNG. So this you can then base64 encode the image.






I Specially need to use the JavaScript code to capture “clipboard-read” navigator event. Something like the code in screenshot attached.


We want to use clipboard-read functionality only. So that we can get image copied from any  extended screen.
