PowerPoint Integration in Mendix

Hello All, what I need to do is to generate a powerpoint file  add some data based on a database object and then download it in client.  What I tried to do is to follow the next resource PowerPoint Integration in Mendix using Java | by Akshay Donode | Mendix Community | Medium I created a microflow which creates a FileDocument then calles a java action I created which should return me a FileDocument which is the generated PowerPoint and then I should download It.     This is my java action code :   When i running the application they showing me following error .    
1 answers

The issue is caused by the storefiledocumentcontent in which you are trying to cast the __outputfile.

I think you need the __outputfile.getMendixObject() as the second parameter of the call to storefiledocumentcontent for the code to work.

