losing my css after upgrading from Atlas 2 to Atlas 3

Hi, Today I upgraded my project from Mendix v8 to v9. Part of doing that upgrade requires Atlas 2 (Atlas_Ui_Resources) to be upgraded to Atlas 3. I followed the following guide from mendix themselves: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/moving-from-atlas-2-to-3/ But when I’m done, the only changes that came through are my brand-colors and some layout.   I am basically losing all my CSS. On my homepage for example the picture is gone. Also, I was using a font called “Nexa” which is also not being used anymore, and much more.    Before and after upgrade picture in the following link (censored some info): https://imgur.com/a/QCTBIp5   Does anyone know what I am missing?   Thanks!
1 answers

Hi Henry,


This probably happend when you changed default Mendix CSS into your own customized CSS. Its always recommended to add your own css files with new classnames. That way, Mendix will not override its own modules when they got updated.


As for all system modules, Marketplace modules. Do not change those directly, since an update will reset the content.


Hope this will help you for the future.





