6.8.3 Create Details Page

Hi all I am on Mendix learning journey. In module 6.8.3, studio pro, I could not find action button. The learning material says the following: I could not see ‘the grey action button’.
3 answers

Hi Dikshya,

In mendix studio pro, go on your page and in toolbox type button. 


Hi Dikshya Bhandari,

As you see in 6.8.2 there are two action button one is grey and the other is blue. You have to remove the grey one and rename the caption action to add. I think you had completed 6.8.2 section if not please make it and try it.

Hope it helps!!!


One thing to keep in mind is that learning paths are made for a specific mendix version. I see that you're in 9.19.0, but the learning path is for 9.12.4, this may lead to some inconsistencies in the learning material compared to the Mendix version you're working with:



Do you have a screenshot of what you currently see in Studio Pro? Then we can help you figure out what's missing or which button to work with :)
