Display information in another reference selector based on one reference selector.

Hi All, I have two non persistable entities, data in both is generated by the REST API calls. Data in 2nd dropdown should be  based on the value selected in the first drop down. The rest endpoint has first value as a parameter in it. Problem: As the microflows are triggered directly on load of the page, the microflow call for 2nd dropdown is made but the data is not visible. I want it to be populated only when the first value from the dropdown is selected.   P.S.: I have tried to link an on change event with the first reference selector but only when I am making the association as many to one from the first dropdown to second.
2 answers

Hi Mihika,


Could you give a bit more information about this? Sometimes you are referring to dropdowns and sometimes to reference selectors. Could you maybe share a screenshot of your domain model so that we understand the concept of this? This could help us understand better what you are trying to accomplish. Thanks!


Regards, Esther


Hey, sorry for referring to dropdown. I was referring to reference selector itself. I am attaching the screenshot of our domain model.
Hey, sorry for referring to dropdown. I was referring to reference selector itself. I am attaching the screenshot of our domain model.


I am trying to associate Assembly and Bearings
