Call microflow with MicroflowCallBuilder

Hello   I want to call a variable Microflow in my java action like :   MicroflowCallBuilder microflowCallBuilder = Core.microflowCall(createDynamicEntitiyMicroflow); microflowCallBuilder.withParam("DynamicAttributMappingList", dynamicAttributMapping); microflowCallBuilder.execute();   The param DynamicAttributMappingList is of type List in Mendix. Now I get the error on runtime:   Error Message: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Unsupported list value: [jsonimporter.proxies.DynamicAttributMapping@424c3d6] (class jsonimporter.proxies.DynamicAttributMapping)     at JSONImporter.SUB_Import (JavaAction : 'ImportByTemplate')     at JSONImporter.Act_RunImport (SubMicroflow : 'SUB_Import')   My List in Java is a List of type ArrayList. This seems not to be compatible with Mendix API. But how the hell should I know which Interface is the right one from this Exception or API Documentation?    
2 answers

My problem was that my list used the proxy object.

I had to set my list to List<IMendixObject> and put the real mendixObjects in it with proxyObject.getMendixObject().


You are using the withParam method which expects an object as parameter; if you want to pass a list, you need to use withParams which expects a Map.
