Any chart is not allow into accordian widget group

Hello All,   I am getting “Widget Accordion 'accordion1' cannot contain widgets of type any chart” error message when putting any chart widget into Accordian group.    
2 answers

Creators of the accordion have most likely not been aware that Accordion was unable to contain the AnyChart-widget until some time later when some user eventually tried it. And they have not been able to (find time to) solve this. So I guess your only options are to either not do this, or resolve the issue yourself by modifying the Accordion-widget, or ask the creators to do so. There are no other ways around it, unfortunately.


After I got a bit disappointed by reading that there is no solution to your and mine problem, I came up with a work around:


Do not put your widget inside of the accordion, but put it above or below the accordion. Then use styling to make it hide and appear on open and close of the accordion group by using dynamic class + move the location of the widget above the accordion by using sass. In this way the widget is technically not inside of the accordion, but optically it is.
