Merge conflict with file

Hi Folks,   I am getting conflict with file and I am unable to commit my changes. This conflict is not visible in Error tab as well to resolve it using mine or theirs. Can anyone please suggest me how to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
2 answers

A java error in a proxy file is hard to fix, since they are generated every time you deploy your app.

The error is usually caused by a Javasource folder from an older, deprecated module: in that case, try deleting all folders you find in the Javasource folder that do not correspond to a module in your project, either custom or marketplace. Then, go to App > Clean Deployment History and try again.

If the error persists, it is wise to try and isolate the conflict with a version control program, such as SVN, and fix the conflict from there.


Use tortoise svn to clear the merge conflicts
