Prepopulating data

  Hi , I have an entity called Task Activity where the user has to log task details like date , starttime, endtime, remarks, etc. I have an registration entity allowing anonymous user to sign in ,but in this entity I have also included Role as a dropdown attribute (There is a separate master table called Role Entity which has various roles like Lead, Engineer, Analyst, etc. ) for user to select during registration. One more attribute called ReportingTo (This is also a dropdown , the names of users who have role lead will be displayed in the dropdown). Attached sign up page and Domain model for reference;   Question : Is there a possible method to display the lead name (selected during the registration  process) automatically, for an attribute field of task activity entity?
2 answers

Hi Ramya,


If I understand correctly, you want to automatically assign the ‘lead’ user to a taskactivity when the taskactivity is created.


This is do-able in a microflow.  You will either need to add a string attribute to the Task Activity as you suggested above or you could add an association from the task activity entity to the User entity to be specifically populated with Lead Users.


When you create a taskactivity entity you will need to create a retrieve activity and use Xpath to retrieve a registration entity with the user association = $currentUser.  Then set the the leadName attribute of the taskactivity to the value of the ReportingTo attribute from the registration.


Hope this helps you with your question.





Hi Ramya,


If I understand correctly, you want to automatically assign the ‘lead’ user to a taskactivity when the taskactivity is created.


This is do-able in a microflow.  You will either need to add a string attribute to the Task Activity as you suggested above or you could add an association from the task activity entity to the User entity to be specifically populated with Lead Users.


When you create a taskactivity entity you will need to create a retrieve activity and use Xpath to retrieve a registration entity with the user association = $currentUser.  Then set the the leadName attribute of the taskactivity to the value of the ReportingTo attribute from the registration.


Hope this helps you with you question.



