Error while downloading application from Team Server

LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: path too long: AppName/Path/javascriptsource/nanoflowcommons/actions/node_modules/@react-native-community/async-storage/macos/RNCAsyncStorage.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/RNCAsyncStorage-macOS.xcscheme'    at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Core/Ensure.cs:line 154    at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_checkout_tree(RepositoryHandle repo, ObjectId treeId, GitCheckoutOpts& opts) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Core/Proxy.cs:line 229    at LibGit2Sharp.Repository.CheckoutTree(Tree tree, IList`1 paths, IConvertableToGitCheckoutOpts opts) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Repository.cs:line 1018    at LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Checkout(Tree tree, IEnumerable`1 paths, CheckoutOptions options) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Repository.cs:line 1003    at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, Tree tree, CheckoutOptions checkoutOptions, String refLogHeadSpec) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Commands/Checkout.cs:line 182    at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, Branch branch, CheckoutOptions options) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Commands/Checkout.cs:line 127    at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, String committishOrBranchSpec, CheckoutOptions options) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Commands/Checkout.cs:line 79    at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, String committishOrBranchSpec) in /_/LibGit2Sharp/Commands/Checkout.cs:line 21    at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Actions.Git.GitCheckoutAction.Execute(Repository repo, IRevLine branch) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl\Actions\Git\GitCheckoutAction.cs:line 26
2 answers

You need to shorten the file path. There’s a character limit of 260 I think.

The easiest option is rename the app folder to an acronym or something shorter. So if your app is called My Marvellous App rename the folder to MMA-main (if it’s mainline). You get an option to change the file path when you first download the app.


If you’re trying to save it to a very nested folder then you might need to move it up some levels or rename those folders.


This problem got solved by deleting all local files created while attempting to download from sprinter. Next time when you download this app from sprinter change the download location and check the sync to cloud settings. Check if the file is getting completely sync or not. if not then turn of sync to cloud.
