Show last date and a value

I am trying to perform a simple task, which is to display two values on the GUI. I have several questions about this because Mendix is still a big mystery to me. I started by creating an Entity with the two values "Date_last_flight" and "TTL_flight_hrs". I would like to link this to a local Excel spreadsheet. To start with "date_last_flight", I created a microflow which should retrieve this list, sort it, and select the highest value, i.e. the newest date. Now I want to display this value on the GUI, but I can't seem to do it, and I can't find anything online about it either. I’m guessing there is a lot wrong with my logic and datamodels, so I hope you can correct me.    
2 answers

Hi Pybe,


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you did not specify the logic to fill the entity Flight data. The association is not necessary for the use-case as you described above. You might want to check out this learning path I will link below. It goes in depth how you can import and export data with Excel using marketplace modules.


Learning Path:

Import part:


Hi Pybe,


Also you do not need a microflow to show a descending sort order. Below some screenshots how you could show this in a page. I used the data grid widget and set the Sort order to the date attribute with "Descending"

