unable to commit mendix code

I am trying to commit my code through version control but its not happening . when i was commiting then i got one pop -up msg regarding team server i wanted to presss yes but by my mistake i pressed on no button. so the error is showing while i am  trying to commit . My mendix version is 9.19 and have git .The error is mention below – one or more files are conflicted . Please use an external tool to resolve these conflict.There are conflict preventing us from completing the merge , which must be resolved befoe continuing . if conflict are only present on disk , please use an external too to resolve them .  please help me and provide solution step by step  in detail manner thankyou 
1 answers

Hi Ashish,


You can likely resolve this by installing tortoise git as stated here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/using-version-control-in-studio-pro/#external-tools


Afterwards in the project folder, you look for the conficted folder, right click, and resolve with tortoise git.

 Here is another forum post about the same:


I hope this helps.
