Translation of masterdata words

Hi, I have a requirement where we need to translate our app in different language and I have done the implimentation as per batch translate mendix docs. But the problem is it is translating whatever the text that are there in studio pro  but not the ones we add inside the app in masterdata, which is not even gets visible in batch translate option. So is there any way that I can translate even masterdata items ?
3 answers

Hi Chetan,


If you can explain your scenario how you have implemented, then it becomes easier to understand the problem.

How batch translation works , You provide 1-1 mapping which text needs to be translated current language to target language . Exact Matching text will be translated. 


Entities Data can not be translated  directly , you have to maintain that translation using different column name for different language.


Hi Anita,


You will have to manage translations of texts from  the database yourself. 


You could decide to translate these text at the moment they are shown to the user using a widget like:


Or you could decide to translate texts to all the languages you need and store them in your database...That would make your domain model a bit more complex though. Then you could use e.g. Google or AWS translations. 


AWS Translate Connector:


As far as I understand from Google, you may store the translated text, as long as you show “translated by Google” or something similiar.


Go make it!





You can write microflow which can change language of your master data. First check for language and according to language need hardcode the text in same microflow.
