Entity Association Issue (Bug?)

  I have an association between Purchase Order (PO) entity and File. I have this type of association throughout my whole app but for some reason there is an issue with this assocation.   The association is Many (Files) to 1 (PO) so that we can upload many files to a single PO (quotes, email communication). I have the exact same association for Comments associated with the PO and Tasks. Files is the only one that is not working.    Here is my domain model for PO > Associations      When I go to create a Grid with Association to PO > File so when I add a file associated with that PO it shows up in this grid – I am not able to choose PO_File as an association:    PLEASE HELP! I have tried to figure this out and cannot determine what I’m doing wrong…...  
4 answers

Hi Jaclyn,

I see that you have a File entity and a PO entity that is a generalization from File. So you’re dealing with some sort of self-reference here. Of course I'm not sure what the requirements are but first and foremost I'd reconsider this setup. It's quite a complicated thought model. Does PO need to generalize from File? I'd try removing the generalization from PO and go from there.

If PO does need to contain a FileDocument, I'd make both File and PO a generalization of System.FileDocument.




Here is my File Entity: 



Here is the PO entity again: 




Also, here is my comment entity that IS working correctly with association to the PO






Here you go Marius 



Current Domain Model:




FIle Entity: 



PO Entity: 




