How to check out the same App Branch in two different location using SP 9.12.5

Hello Mxperts,   Recently I started to use SP-9.12 for one of the new App. Earlier I used to work with Mx-8.X Earlier with SP-8.X I could check out same branch twice or multiple time in different folders. With StudioPro-9.12.5 I am not able to do it. If Branch is already checked out at certain location it somehow able to detect it and not let user to check it out again at different folder. Check below Image – I am trying to checkout particular branch again in different location but it only gives me option to Open (which open existing checked-out folder) but no option for fresh checkout in new folder. FYI – Code is using Mendix SVN not Git, other wise I might have tried with Git commands to checkout.
1 answers

Hi Rajesh,

In Studio Pro you can select Version Control > Download from Version Control Server to download multiple instances of your project to your computer.
