You still have errors in your model. these need to be fixed first.
Did you update atlas UI module(s) or convert the model to a newer version?
This one needs to be fixed in the page Account_New.
ERROR at Administration, Page 'Account_New', Layout grid row: The weights of the columns in a row must add up to 12, but currently they add up to -1.
Set the right weight for the column(s) of the layout grid
All others are related to design properties.
I guess there is a error message in your error dock. Right click on this error. There might be a quick fix there for you.
Hi Rene thanks for replying,
but actually that wa snot the sollution,
I am not getting any error in mendix studio pro.but when i try to build through mxbuild,here i am getting error like
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Building block 'Pageheader_WithControls', Action button 'actionButton3': Design property Spacing left is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
Design property Spacing left is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options for this do i need to anything.
Hi Rene,
i am creating new blank app with mendix studion version and copying mpr file to my linux server where my mxbuild version with mono is installed.after that i am trying build the mpr with below command
sudo mono mxbuild.exe --target=package --java-home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-" --java-exe-path="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-" /home/ec2-user/dummy/dummy.mpr
after that i am getting error as below
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Text 'text40': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Text 'text39': Design property Color is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Text 'text39': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Container 'container1': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Container 'container5': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Container 'container6': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Container 'container7': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Data view 'dataView5': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Container 'container3': Design property Spacing bottom is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
ERROR at Atlas_Web_Content, Page template 'Tabs_Fullwidth', Tab container 'tabControl1': Design property Justify is not supported by your theme. Right-click to see more options.
do i need to upgrade or downgrade anything.
Finally got the sollution.i need to copy whole project to server.earlier i only copied mpr file.
finally that error is resolved