Unable to publish/deploy the sample app to the free app environment

I followed the Rapid course and was trying to deploy/publish the sample app (Summerhill Hospital) to the free app environment, however I am not able to do it.   Firstly the “publish” button in the Studio is grey out. I then try to deploy it under the App – Licensed Cloud node and obviously it failed as I am using a free app license.   Please advise how I can publish to the Mendix public cloud under the free license? I am on 9.24.0 version.
2 answers

If your app is a team server project then only you will see this button enabled. (the Publish button next to the RED stop button)


I am not sure exactly what happened. However, after re-starting the studio pro and the app, the publish button is now available. So I guess it is all ok for me to publish to the free Mendix public cloud
