Close page after refresh

Hi team When I call Close Page activity after refresh, the page is not closed instead it stays in same page.  Is there possibility to close page after refresh?   Regards, Anahit
3 answers

Hi Anahit,

As you mentioned (For example user can come to add new company page from different pages, and when user clicks back I want to go to the previous page).

Option 1: In this scenario, you can close single page for clicking back button.

Option 2: you need to close two or more pages choose multiple button to choose how many pages you want to close 

Option 3: you need to close All the pages Select All in the close page activity.


Hi Anahit,


As far as i know the close page works only on PopUps. Im not 100% sure.

However, you can use the Show Page Activity after the Refresh and show for example the Homepage or the previous Page.


Hope this Helps,


Hi Anahit,


Close page works only on PopUp. Also Mendix provide various options in the close page Activity like Close all pages , last Number of pages. Please choose the option wisely according to your need. 

If you are not using popup then I would advise to Use show page activity instead.

