Bus seat ticket booking app

Login functionality for a bus Ticketing App has to be implemented with customer user login and role based login feature. Roles: Customer, Admin Create Database in Mendix for bus ticketing App. Customer: Should see bus details, each bus ticket price and seat category and its price.Number of seats available, on booking a seat. the count should decrease.Cancelling a booked ticket. Admin: Should be able to maintain all bus data, like bus details and ticket availability for each bus designing of page and the entire flow should work from login. this is my use case .   what is the steps for crating this app successfully? which entity and attributes need ? what is the relationships between entity's? required pages ? required microflows ? ect.  
1 answers

Hi Sushant, 

I can suggest you check out the rapid developer education on Mendix academy to refresh you information about the core structure on Mendix. 

Also, It will be helpful if you can watch live coding video on another project to finding answers to your questions step by step: 



ı hope it helps.

