Publishing Error, Failed to execute microflow for deeplink deploy

Hi, I tried to publishing my app.  I succeed the publish my app at 2:03p.m.(KST) and at 2:05 I found I missed sort order in my data grid so I fixed. Then I published again, at 2:10p.m.  And Error is occured. The Message. Failed to execute microflow for deeplink deploy, check the log for details  Log:  Invalid project id 8adac0b5-f1ea-4eba-b110-920c4950da5a?utm_source=businessmodeler&utm_medium=software&utm_campaign=modeler   I don’t use Deeplink. I saw this error several times. How could I avoid this error?
2 answers

Hi DaYoung,


This is not an error in your app, but the Mendix deployment system that is also developed in Mendix. The error comes from the deeplink module action called: ExecuteDeeplink. When this action fails, instead of creating a log message (what it should do) it shows a pop-up message to the user. 


So, it's a bug in the deeplink module, but not from your app :).


Hi DaYoung,

ıt would be better if you may share more details about your structure and the error. Bu there are lots of questions and answers when I search “Failed to execute microflow for deeplink deploy, check the log for details ”


I hope it helps

