Add a Check option to a pre-existing form

Dear Community.    I am working on trying to create a checklist on a pre-existing form. I would like the user to select the options (as the picture shows) that they need and then move those options to a separate page for them to edit and print. I hope I have explained my problem in an understanding.          
1 answers


I think you should try these steps:    

  1. Create a new page in Mendix where the user can select the options they need. This page can be a form with checkboxes or a data grid where the user can select rows.

  2. Create a microflow in Mendix that will take the selected options from the previous page and move them to a separate page for editing and printing. This microflow will need to retrieve the selected options from the previous page and create new objects in Mendix for each selected option.

  3. On the new page, you can display the selected options in a data grid or form for the user to edit. You can also add a button to allow the user to print the checklist.

  4. Create another microflow that will generate the printable version of the checklist. This microflow can retrieve the selected options from the new page and generate a PDF or HTML document that the user can print.

  5. Finally, add navigation buttons or links to allow the user to move between the pages and complete the checklist.
