PDF Browser view, during File Download activity - File Extension issue

Hi folks, We have recently upgraded our Mendix project from version 8.18.8 to 9.18.4. After doing so, there seems to be a problem when using the “Show file in browser instead of downloading, if possible” option on a Download File activity.  We have been using Mendix for about 5 years and have not had an issue like this before. If anyone can provide some advice, I would be much appreciative.  This appears to work as expected in FireFox. I have setup a blank app in both modeler versions and implemented the same exact action for both. In version 9.18.4 when clicking the download option from the browser view the file is always “Chrome Document HTML”, .htm. The setup for both: The microflow itself has these settings for the three activities: Create Generate This is the end result for version 9.18.4, which is the issue. In version 8.18.8 the file name and extension are correct:
3 answers



Probably not the best solution, but in the past I have ran into a comparable situation in Mx9: After changing DeleteAfterDownload to false, I was able to save the .pdf again as .pdf file again instead of Chrome html file.

However, that was not the situation I wanted for this ‘temporary’ file(s).

Unfortunately, after a lot of debugging etc., I was not able to determine the cause of the problem and why this worked in Mx8 as expected.

If you submit a support request and get a response from support/R&D, I'm interested in the cause of this behavior.


Hi Ryan, did you get anywhere with this? We are also now seeing pdfs trying to downlosd in Chrome as .htm files


@Russell Codd,


Posting another answer here to provide some screen shots. I am not sure what your domain model structure looks like. So, this is just more or less how we handled it for files we wanted to removed vs files we did not.


Our scheduled event runs nightly, and retrieves entities we specifically created for that file type.image.png


In addition to having the entity per file type, we check the time the file was generated and delete them when the createdDate is one day older. The is just to prevent any current user that may be viewing something when this event kicks off. 
