Converting Application into Different Languages

Hi all, I’m converting my application into different languages by using Language Selector Module, to do that, first i  have done Translation of each and every word in the application into different languages using Google translater in Batch Translate (in Mendix), currently i have around 7000 words, So its very difficult for me to transfer each word. Is there any Way to auto translate All words at a time in mendix?
1 answers

Hi Kishore Kumar,
                 Changing a language into an another language is very simple. By using Google sheet we can achieve your use case. When I’m working in a multilung feature application I find this shortcut.

1.  In Mendix moduler go to Language → Language Settings and then select the language what ever you want to translate the application. Ex Arabic

2.Language→ Batch Translate then select the source and Destination language. Then export the all generated words into Excel file.

3.Open the Excel file in google sheet and then apply the formula below.

=GOOGLETRANSLATE(ExcelIndex,”Source Language code”,”Destination Language Code”

Ex: Translating from English to Arabic

copy and paste the formula for all 7000 rows, by using select and Ctrl+D short cut.

I hope this will resolve your use case. Do reach me if you need any support

Thanks you
Dinesh Gunasekaran
