Certificate message pop up when opening studio pro

Hello, why did we receive this alert message?
2 answers

Hi Nicole,


This doesn't seem to be an error message from mendix. You can check the certificate if it is correct. Might be expired. 


Hi Nicole,


Did you find any reason why this certificate came up? Or any way to reproduce this behavior?

I guess the domain given in the certificate request (*.regtify.net) is not related to your app, right?


I'm seeing the same behavior since some time. Very sporadically, not only on my client, but also on colleagues' clients, working on different apps. And with different (seemingly) totally arbitrary domains, for which certificates are requested.


So if you (or anyone else) would have any further input on this or ideas on how to avoid these certificates popping up sporadically, I would be highly grateful.


Best regards,

