Only showing data of current user

Good Afternoon,   I have 3 users able to log in, Jessica, Lucasz and Megan.   I have a data grid as per below. The Recorder is automatically updated with the name of who is logged in and entering the data..     I want it so that the person who has logged in can only see the data that they are a Recorder of. So if Megan logged in she should only be able to see the 2nd and 3rd lines.    It feels like it should be a simple thing to do but I can’t work it out after trying for quite some time.    Thank you in advance!
2 answers

Hi Jessica,


If I'm understanding it correctly the objects in this list are the objects whose last editor is the person logged in? If so, you can use the entity system member ‘changed by’. This member is automatically updated to the user who made the last change. Then you can retrieve the objects based on the XPath:

[System.changedBy = '[%CurrentUser%]']


Hope this helps!


Amazing, it works, thank you so much!
