Compilation of Java actions failed

Hello everyone. i am having problem after running my app its keep showing me Compilation of Java actions failed.  Can someone explain help me out . i am on 9.22 version and my community commons on 10.0.0  Buildfile: C:\Users\maira.rakhimbayeva\Mendix\Scribe-main\deployment\build_core.xml compile:     [javac] Compiling 343 source files to C:\Users\maira.rakhimbayeva\Mendix\Scribe-main\deployment\run\bin     [javac] C:\Users\maira.rakhimbayeva\Mendix\Scribe-main\javasource\deeplink\actions\ error: method execute in class Core cannot be applied to given types;     [javac]                     Core.execute(getContext(), link.getMicroflow(), arg);     [javac]                         ^     [javac]   required: T     [javac]   found: IContext,String,IMendixObject     [javac]   reason: cannot infer type-variable(s) T,R     [javac]     (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)     [javac]   where T,R are type-variables:     [javac]     T extends CoreAction<R> declared in method <T,R>execute(T)     [javac]     R extends Object declared in method <T,R>execute(T)     [javac] C:\Users\maira.rakhimbayeva\Mendix\Scribe-main\javasource\deeplink\actions\ error: method execute in class Core cannot be applied to given types;     [javac]                     Core.execute(getContext(), link.getMicroflow(), args);     [javac]                         ^     [javac]   required: T     [javac]   found: IContext,String,Map<String,Object>     [javac]   reason: cannot infer type-variable(s) T,R     [javac]     (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)     [javac]   where T,R are type-variables:     [javac]     T extends CoreAction<R> declared in method <T,R>execute(T)     [javac]     R extends Object declared in method <T,R>execute(T)     [javac] C:\Users\maira.rakhimbayeva\Mendix\Scribe-main\javasource\deeplink\actions\ error: method execute in class Core cannot be applied to given types;     [javac]                     Core.execute(getContext(), link.getMicroflow());     [javac]                         ^     [javac]   required: T     [javac]   found: IContext,String     [javac]   reason: cannot infer type-variable(s) T,R     [javac]     (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)     [javac]   where T,R are type-variables:     [javac]     T extends CoreAction<R> declared in method <T,R>execute(T)     [javac]     R extends Object declared in method <T,R>execute(T)     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.     [javac] 3 errors BUILD FAILED C:\Users\maira.rakhimbayeva\Mendix\Scribe-main\deployment\build_core.xml:30: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 4 seconds
1 answers

It looks like you need to update the Deeplink module in your application with the latest version from the Marketplace.

I hope this helps.
