Currency converter on existing text box fields form

Hello Everyone! I have a create form where I have multiple text box fields. I have one field which is in currency “Euro”. I need to convert this currency to “USD”  or any other currency. Can I use currency Converter widget (that we have in Mendix) inside the existing form? If not, then how can I achieve this task by manually using currency converter on the form? Please let me know if anyone has solution. Thank you! 
2 answers

If you dont want to store the data and want them on demand you can use an alternative call (i.e.'+APIKEY+’&base=’+FROMCURRENCY+’&symbols=’+TOCURRENCY




You should use the currency exchange module from Marketplace

According to their Documentation you can sync the Exchange rates for almost all Currency types and bring it into your Domain Model.

Then based on your needs you can draw a relationship from your Domain model entity to theirs (Marketplace module Domain Model Entity) and use it.
