Entity Acces for selectable objects in reference selector?

Hi all   We have an entity on which we have an acces rule with an xpath constraint on a boolean. On a certain page we have a reference selector with selectable objects leading to this same entity. However it seems that for selectable objects ( these are selected over association, so entity A is linked to B and we want to select an object for B) this constraint is not working, as we always get a list with objects in it that do no match the xpath acces rule. However if we put a simple listview on the same page with the same entity ( from which we want to choose objects) this works.   Is this expected behaviour? I assume it is, because if we read the documentation it mentions that all objects will be shown. https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/reference-selector/   Would this technically be possible for Mendix do this as well? Kind regards​​​​​​​   Kevin
2 answers

What did you put in the selectable objects section? Could you not use the same XPath there? Or use a microflow to retrieve only the objects you want to show?





which version are you using?
