Create a survey and assign questions and automatically generate a page to answer the survey

So a doctor needs to be able to create questions, should have a Likert scale of 5, and create standard survey templates. When questions are created they need to be able to add them to a survey template. If there is a survey template a patient needs to be able to fill in this survey template. How can I create a page that will then show all the questions associated to the survey template and each patient being able to fill in the survey without them seeing each others answers? 
2 answers

Hi Jelle,


Have you looked at the Questionnaire module in the Mendix Marketplace? 


Create a page called ShowSurvey. Give as a page parameter the Survey object in.

In this page add a listView, and as a source use the Questions associated with the Survey.

In this listview, you can show the answers with radio button.
