Background image for the login screen

I'm trying to put a background image for the login screen but I can't get it to fill the whole screen. For this I have placed a container on the page and I have created a special class which contains the image. The image is displayed fine to me but it does not fill the entire screen. How can I make the image appear on the entire background ?   This is my container class:   .fondo-login { background-image: url("img/MyModule$Images$desktop_wallpaper.jpg");   }  
1 answers

What result do you get? Maybe post a screenshot.

You could try some extra css like the following:

background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
overflow-y: hidden;
max-height: 100vh;

This will make sure the image covers the page while avoiding scrollbars when the scaled image is higher or wider than the screen.

Also, do you have enough content on the page to fill the screen? Otherwise set “height: 100%” on the body. Otherwise the image will fill the background of your page, but the page doesn’t fill the available space in your browser window and you still end up with white space at the bottom.
