How to make respective department queries must be seen only by the respective supervisor of that department in mendix?

Hi! developers, I am newcomer to Mendix. I started developing an app for the employee, supervisor, manager role based Query submission app. In these the basic functionality must be, Employee post their queries on query section? Supervisor must view their department employees queries alone and approve them? To send notification from supervisor to employee who was not seen the query for past 2 days?                 For this I have created pages and microflow etc.,. I need solution for the point(2) to view department queries alone how to make it either X path or microflow calling? anyone guide me. I have attached domain model.
2 answers

Hi Tharun,

You can do this by using an XPath constraint in the entity access section, you can set the path to user, and you’ll be good to go.

Hope it helps!!


I need to confirm my domain model is right for the my app. Or else suggest me a some idea to make my domain model.
