Wizard Data Save in previous page

Hi All, In Wizards I created 3 steps like 3 pages, each page contains previous and Next buttons. when I click previous on step2, what i have filled in the stpe1 are lost, i tried using commit activity but no use, it is not saved. How can i solve this issue, Could you please help me to save the data in the previous page when i am in the next step of the wizard. Thanks in advance.
2 answers

Hi Abdul Zameer,

              I understand what issue you are facing; you just follow the below steps your problem will be solved,

                 *First Page, you will have next button in that onclick create a microflow, in that keep show page activity there you should kept 2nd page and pass appropriate parameter.

                 *Follow above step for 2nd page next button too.

                 *For previous button create a microflow and kept show page activity to show previous page there you need to pass appropriate parameter follow this step for page 2 and 3 previous buttons.

                 *In the final third page create a button for save, give onclick action as save changes.


Hi, there is a wizard example in the learning paths: https://academy.mendix.com/link/modules/184/lectures/1434/4.3-The-Wizard-Page-Template

they pass the request entity parameter trough the pages. (properties->data→ parameter your entity)

