Error with SAML after upgrading from Mendix v9.18 to 9.24

Hi, wondering if anyone has any issues with their SAML module (marketplace) after upgrading to Mendix 9.24, Studio Pro does not show errors and allows the build, but it will not be able to complete the build due to these errors:   com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: LocalFileSystemStore:: File does not exist for key: 7208fbe2-8095-455d-ae0a-e697d079d00f at SAML20.MigrateIDPEncrptionSetting (JavaAction : 'CopyFileDocument') at SAML20.MigrateKeyStoreData.nested.4bcb3a01-f39e-447c-9a6a-7ea83b15345e [0 of 1] (SubMicroflow : 'MigrateIDPEncrptionSetting') at SAML20.MigrateKeyStoreData (ListLoop : '') at SAML20.Startup (SubMicroflow : 'MigrateKeyStoreData') at Product_Audit.Dyson_Startup (SubMicroflow : 'Startup')  
2 answers

Hello Terry,


The error you’re facing is due to the Keystore file missing. Did you download a backup from a cloud environment (without files) and restored it locally?


Since one of the latest versions of the SAML module, the ASU microflow has been upgraded with a migration microflow, since you can now have keystores for each configured IdP. It expects the keystore file to be present if configured.


In case my above assumption is correct, I would recommend removing the SAML ASU from your main ASU flow. The application will then boot correctly, then you can either remove the SAML config locally or upload a correct keystore file. Afterwards, don't forget to re-add the SAML ASU to your main ASU.


I locally deleted the record in my DB under saml20$keystore. That seems to work as well.
