How to make the menu greyout and unclickable in the navigation of mendix ?

Hi,   We have some menus in the navigation which are not implemented (no microflow, page is linked) but we want to keep it to let clients know about our upcoming features by making it unclickable and greyed-out. We don’t want to go with the custom navigation which will require us to manage the security manually How to achieve that?
3 answers

To be honest I would not choose to inform users of upcoming features this way.

From a technical perspective, unfortunately, you cannot add classes to menu items so you will have to do something like this:


.navbar-nav li a[title="Title of menu item"] {
   pointer-events: none;
   color: #xxx !important;

If you need to do this for more items I would suggest to do something like this:

.navbar-nav li a[title*="Future release"] {
   pointer-events: none;
   color: #xxx !important;

This selects all items with a title that contains "Future release"

To get rid of the "!important” make the selector more specific



Instead of geryout and unclickable you can try hiding the navigations


Refer the below link for reference where hiding the navigation without userrole


You can give the link the class ‘disabled’ which will render it unclickable, but still visible, if you want a specific way to show that, you can add a custom class and style it using SCSS
