How do I move selected elements between modules (entities, pages, etc.) within a single application? 

This is basically an expansion of my question that came up earlier but I couldn't get an answer.   The question seems simple but in practice I have a crash in my app   Description of my problem:  1) I have an existing module, in it there are entities, microflow and pages (let's call it "Main Module") 2) within the app, and therefore also within the Main Module, I have an "Administrator" user role created 3) Administrator has access to all elements of Main Module 4) I create a new app module (let's call it "Second Module") 5) I would like to move some entities, pages and microflow (but of course not all of them) from Main Module to Second Module - mainly for readability and orderliness 6) in Second Module I create a role with the same name as in Main Module (Administrator) 7) I move the entity (using "Move to") to Second Module 8) I get the message "Please re-select module roles" in Second Module - this part seems simple, I give the Administrator role full rights to read and write entities 9) at this point, the first problem arises: of course, I haven't moved any of the pages yet, but in all those that originally referred to this entity, the problem "No access to entity..." appears. 10) I move one of these pages to Second Module 11) An error appears: "Allowed roles need to be updated, reselect them in properties." - here the solution also seems simple - I simply set in the page settings in "Visible for" Administrator 12) But then I get the problem: "No read access to attribute [attribute] in entity [entity name] for user role 'Administrator' (with no roles defined in module 'Second Module')." 13) Ok, I go back to the Domain Model in Second Module - well, but the User Role in Access Rules has moved from Main Module (Administrator) and now I can add a new Access Rule adding of course.... Administrator or delete the previous Access Rule and add Administrator anew; in both the first and second cases I keep getting the message "No read access...".   To sum up: basically I am not able to move it.   The problem, however, is that my Domain Model has grown to gigantic proportions, I have dozens of pages, microflow, etc. within the project. And I would like to organize this by separating it into different modules - this will help make the application more readable and more manageable.   But in practice, as I understand it, at this stage, this is probably impossible?
2 answers

Hi Marc,

Does your Administrator User role have the module role Administrator in the Second module?  


Make sure to also link the new module role to your User role in your Project security:
