As the title says, I have set the icon of the button and recompiled and rerun the apps, and somehow the icon is not loading. I also recently migrated my Atlas 2 to Atlas 3. I checked the console and the status wasnt 404 on the glyphicons. It was 304 so I assume no network issues there. Any idea what can be the issue? Also I’m using Mendix 9.24.2 and not 9.24.1 as stated, the version I’m using wasnt in the dropdown menu. EDIT: As the screenshot below, the icon loaded up in Studio Pro but not in browser.
1 answers
Hi Fathul,
I had the same issue. Our apps are deployed on Windows servers, fronted by IIS. The fix for me was to add the MIME type font/woff2 for the file extension .woff2 in the MIME Types IIS configuration for the IIS website.