Long numbers are automtically rounded in Excel export

I have an attribute EAN with type Long. This number is always 18 digits. For example 871687940006112965 When I export this number to Excel, it automatically changes this number to 871687940006113000, but I need the original number.    The style I use for this number is:    I have no microflow behind the export excel to change the EAN number. I tried to change the Type from long to string in the attribute, but then I loose al my allready filled EAN numbers in the excel sheet.  Does anyone know why then number is automatically rounded and how to solve this?  
2 answers

I solved it myself. I changed the Attribute Type in the domain model from Long to String Unlimited (important that it's unlimited, otherwise all Long numbers will be set to zero).

Changed the attribute in the excel export and now the numbers are displayed in a right way. 


Hello Christine,


This is most likely caused in the Excel application on your computer. The export from Mendix contains the correct values.
