SharpSVN error

Hi, I am trying to commit some changes in my mendix application. Unfortunately I’m receiving this error: Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.VersionControlException: An error occurred while checking for changes on disk. ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '' ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOForbiddenException: Access to '/10aa1cae-6650-437f-92b1-6bb249e486a0/branches/Panorama_NAG_Dev' forbidden    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---    at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) in d:\bb\sharpsvn-v1.900x\v40\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:line 78    at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Status(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, EventHandler`1 statusHandler) in d:\bb\sharpsvn-v1.900x\v40\src\sharpsvn\commands\status.cpp:line 70    at SharpSvn.SvnClient.GetStatus(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, Collection`1& statuses) in d:\bb\sharpsvn-v1.900x\v40\src\sharpsvn\commands\status.cpp:line 140    at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnConnector.PathClientDo(String workingCopyPath, Action`1 action) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 681    at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnConnector.GetChanges(String localDir, Boolean retrieveRemoteChanges, Boolean retrieveAllEntries) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 480    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---    at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnConnector.GetChanges(String localDir, Boolean retrieveRemoteChanges, Boolean retrieveAllEntries) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 484    at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Operations.Svn.SvnCheckWorkingCopyOperation.CheckWorkingCopy(String projectDirectory) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl\Operations\Svn\SvnCheckWorkingCopyOperation.cs:line 43 If anybody could help me to resolve this that would be much helpful. Thanks in advance!
1 answers

Looks like you have checked out the model in a folder, which is also synced with your OneDrive.

Which is basically the same as checking out a googledrive folder in a onedrive folder.


  1. Stop syncing Onedrive (terminate the Onedrive shell)
  2. Try to commit (I hope this works now)
  3. After commit, delete the local copy of your project
    1. app > show App Directory in Explorer
    2. navigate one folder up
    3. Delete the project folder
  4. Download the project again, but now in a folder not synced with OneDrive
    1. Open the right version of Studio Pro
    2. Select the project
    3. Choose BrancheLine
    4. Select the branchline
    5. Click Check Out Branchline
    6. Select a folder outside OneDrive
  5. Download model
  6. Turn sync Onedrive on again
  7. Happy modeling


