Error Message: Failed to Fetch - Debugging Nanoflow Navigation Issue on Mobile

I have an application with functionalities that also work offline. However, from the homepage, I can navigate to the order listing and customer listing. On the onclick of these listings, nanoflows are called, which ultimately open the edit pages of the selected object. However, when I click, there is an administrator error saying "Failed to fetch Error: Failed to fetch," "An error occurred while executing an action of BlueOrders.Mobile_Home.container4: Failed to fetch." Nanoflow stack: "Show pageBlueOrders/" in nanoflow "BlueOrders.NAV_Overview_PedidoMB." I'm unable to debug...
2 answers

Hi, the isConnectedToServer is a nanoflowcommons javascript action, inside it catches when your remote url is unavailable, so either the backend is unavailable or you are offline, you can call this function yourself or first check if you are connected to the internet


I already used the IsConnectedToServer action, however when debugging on my device and on others I found that even offline the action returned "true" I'm trying to use "navigator.onLine" in a JS action but in loclhost it works when publishing and testing outside localhost always indicates that is offline.


Fora do localhost consta sempre online

