Parameters of the microflow does not match data grid from Overview pages.

Hello,   Alright so basically I want to call a custom microflow to replace the default view button on overview pages in the data grid. The problem is the microflow will call a custom page that have multiple parameters so If I include those parameters in the microflow, I get the said error above. I’m assuming because it does not match the data grid in the overview pages. I tried using retrieve object to retrieve another entity data but it shows as List of (object) and I cannot use that variable as an argument in the show page activities. How can I solve this issue? You can refer pictures below.   Edited Overview Pages.
1 answers

Hi Fathul,


Good Day! I have some questions,


  1. Why is the WOMH_SimpleView page expecting so many parameters?
  2. Are all the parameters being passed in the SimpleView page in anyway related to the Grid Object WOMH?

Could you share the screenshot of the SimpleView page and existing Domain model.

I think you might have to modify the Domain Model to achieve this.

PS: A DataGrid and buttons added to the DataGrid are supposed to manipulate only the Attributes and Associated Entity Attributes of the Entity that is the source of the Grid.
