3d image viewer

Hi, We want to display a Building with 10 floors in the form of 3d, when we hover on a particular floor in that 3d , it needs to show the details of the floor. Is it possible to implement this in mendix? If Possible The number of floors can differ. Can we build this dynamically. Can any suggest me ...
2 answers

There are various options in the marketplace for this:

https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/118345 for example


Hello Kavipriya,

You may find the following widgets helpful for viewing content in 3D mode:

1. 3D Viewer: This widget allows you to display 3D models and interact with them in your Mendix application. You can find it at the following link: 3D Viewer Widget

2. STL Viewer: If you specifically need to view STL (Stereolithography) files, this widget is suitable. It enables you to visualize and manipulate STL models within your Mendix application. You can find it here: STL Viewer Widget


Hope it helps!!!
