why mendix template of app from spreadsheet is in grey color?

why mendix template of app from spreadsheet is in grey color?Previuosly it used to get opened in only mendix studio and asks us to upload excel sheet.It only gives manage data page where we can search,edit,add or delete an entry.But now it can only be opened in mendix studio pro where it is just asking to upload excel sheet and after that it is not creating the manage data page.It is only creating the domain model.What to do  to get manage data page without manually developing the page.
1 answers

Hi DevaPriya,


It seems the option is not there anymore. The docs don't mention the page option: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/app-from-spreadsheet/

Studio had the option to generate the pages and this still shows in the learningpath, next to the import data button:  

Maybe they are still working on it? In the meantime you can recreate these simple pages with a data grid and the standard new/edit/delete buttons.

Hope this helps!
