Sceniro filter data

We have employees and a department. Two entities have more employees, and one department has more employees. department is enum With respect to the department, I need to showcase employee names. I must achieve this on the department's new edit and depart overview pages. Please help with this.
2 answers

Hi Harshitha ,

 I am a bit confused that why you are using department as enum, when you need to edit department and create an overview page,you can create Department entity.

If I understood your requirement correctly, you can create two entities: Department and Employee with a one-to-many association. In the Department's new/edit page, you can use a selector widget to display all available employees (those who are not already associated with a department) and allow the selection of multiple employees to associate them with the department.

On the department overview page, you can use a template grid in the employee column to display all the associated employees for each department, allowing you to showcase the employee names correctly.


Download the base application:

and have a look at its domain model’s entities, Person.Person and Company.Department
