confusion with security and page access

Good Afternoon,   I have a ‘Minutes’ page that I have granted access to just the Administrator and the User on the module roles.   However on the navigation it has Administrator, User and App Support.     On the navigation bar it is still showing the App Support on the minutes page, I do not want the App support role to have the Minutes page. How do I remove them from the navigation bar please?  
3 answers

Hi Jessica,


On the Navigation, the project user roles are shown, not the module roles.

Please check your AppSupport user role in your project Security on the User roles tab. I suspect that it will also have the module role User or Administrator.

Also be aware that after making changes, you need to close the Navigation tab and open it again to reflect the changes.


Check the module security where the ‘Minutes’ page is. 

Your ‘AppSupport’ role has either a ‘User’ or an ‘administrator’ role in that module and that is what causing this issue. 


Thank you Lilith,


When I remove the Administrator role from the user role in the security it comes up with 63 errors. I find it very confusing on why.


