Not able to read/write User entity attributes in account_new page

Hi All, I am using Mendix studio Pro version 9.24.4. In the past with many other MEndix pro versions I am able to add an account overview page and can add custom account_newedit page where super administrator is able to add new users to the system. But here with 9.24.4, I am struggling to do so.  Getting an error message for User roles : Caused by: com.mendix.basis.objectmanagement.member.MemberAccessDeniedException: Read access denied for member 'System.UserRoles' of object 'Administration.Account'     at com.mendix.basis.objectmanagement.MendixObjectMemberImpl.checkReadAccess( and account_newedit page appears as below:   Any idea to fix these issues? Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks,Sneha
2 answers

Create a new page Account_NewEdit by rightclicking entity Administration.Account and selecting ‘Generate overview pages’. See if you have the correct rights to open and use that new Account_NewEdit.


It sounds like you haven’t got the correct module roles applied to the user roles in your app’s security. 


Try giving your Administrator user role both System.Administrator and Administration.Administrator module roles.

Good luck!
