Cant open branch line after update has failed.

Hi,    I have opened the branch line in modeler (Version 8.13.1) which I am working on daily. I was about to commit my changes and I have got an update so I clicked on update. My modeler was strucked at ‘update changes from repository’ step for 1 hr. So I have closed my modeler and tried to open again and I am getting this popup.   When I click on merge, I am getting this error popup.     I tried closing and opening the modeler, restarted the system and also tried uninstalling and installing mendix but still I get the same popup and errors.   Can anyone help me with this. Thank you in advance.    
1 answers

Hi Sushma,


Have you tried renaming the local folder? This will force Studio Pro to redownload the project. Afterward you can import the changes you made locally and try committing them again. Or if there are just a few, you can quickly implement them again. 
