Text translation in widgets - how to?

I would like to ask you for information on how to translate texts in widgets.  Many of them have embedded texts between the "<" and ">" characters but when I try to translate it through batch replace I can't find the texts. For me this means mostly translating individual texts manually, but I'm afraid that using the same widget many times there may be differences in translation. For example, I really like the dynamics of updating Searchable Selector but every now and then there are new fields with text. This is a very frequently used widget in my application so I have to spend a lot of time translating with each such update. What is the way to translate texts from components other than manually entering them? I'm sure there is only I don't know what yet :)
3 answers

Let me explain again what I actually want. 

I know how to translate texts, except that some widgets have built-in texts that have to be translated each time. For example, in the ComboBox in the Aria Labels section, there are 5 texts that I have to change every time I add a widget to the form. I can't even ignore this because the text has to be completed (there are no ready texts in my language). This is very annoying in the long run.

So my question is not how to translate the completed form and descriptions, but how to permanently force the widget to not have to be translated each time I use it.


The text between <> means that this does not have a translation and it will be displayed exactly the same as in the original language.

So if it says and in English it could say <and> in another language.

Below you can see an example on how to translate in my case the caption <Back> 

Original English

Second language Dutch

Go to Language | Batch translate, select English as a source and Dutch (or your language) as destination

In my case there are 10 empty references for Back

There you can type the correct replacement and press translate

Now all your references should be translated

And there would be no version of <Back> anymore.



you can try batch replace and batch translate using excel export and import

Batch replace:

Batch replace works on the currently selected language and allows you to replace any existing texts with a new one.


If you want to translate a language outside Studio Pro, you can export the translatable texts to the Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format, make changes, and then import the changes from the updated Excel file.



Batch Translate:

Batch translate allows you to enter texts in one language which correspond to texts in another language.




If you want to translate a language outside Studio Pro, you can export the translatable texts to the Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format, make changes, and then import the changes from the updated Excel file.


