Studio - first web sign in fails (browser broke a link?)

Hello,    I installed the Mendix Studio Pro 10.1.1 on Win10 and I am having a problem with the initial “Go to Web Sign In” action. When I click the button, several browser tabs open (2 in Edge or Chrome, 9 in FF). On the first tab then I get an error “Oops, something went terribly wrong here, please return to Studio Pro and try again.” (url “localhost:8100/auth/callback?error=invalid_request&error_description=Invalid+request+State+parameter+missing+in+authorize+request”). The second tab’s url begins with “offline_access%26code_challenge...” It looks to me as if the link breaks somewhere between the Studio and the browser. However, as it redirects immediately to the localhost, I am not able to get the original link and copy it manually into the browser. Any tip how to solve it? Restarting Windows didn’t help. Thank you   Michal
1 answers

Hi Michal,


Clearing the browser cache sometimes works with this issue. Otherwise you can try this workaround:


1. Start Mendix Studio Pro 

2. Wait for 10/20 seconds and double-click on the Mendix Logo in the top left corner of the open window.

3. Select Create New App (this will open Studio Pro)

4. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> New Features -> Disable the 'Browser sign in' option

5. Close Studio Pro

6. Start Studio Pro and sign in with your Mendix account as you would normally do. 
