While Updating Mendix version getting this error

Any solution for error   
3 answers

Hi Sanjeev
Right click the Error and click on update to resolve the error




You can try the following :

Right click on the Feedback widget => Update all widgets


Also make sure the APP ID is correct and matches the ID of your Mendix application. If it's incorrect, update it accordingly.



  1. Follow the instructions in the error message: right-click on the error in the Mendix Modeler and see if there's an option to update or correct the App ID. The Mendix Modeler usually provides context menu options for troubleshooting and resolving errors like this.

  2. Open the properties of the Feedback widget that's causing the error. Look for a property or field related to the "App ID". Make sure this ID is accurate and matches the ID of your Mendix application. If it's incorrect, update it to the correct value.

  3. If updating the widget properties doesn't resolve the issue, you might consider removing the existing Feedback widget from your page and adding a new instance of the widget. This could potentially clear any configuration issues that might be causing the error.
